TOAST - 1.5 Degrees - planet toast

I am still at IU busy working out the details of an installation. I start each morning reading/researching as I enjoy my coffee. I found this article alarming and inspiring. Climate Change Is Speeding Toward Catastrophe. The NextDecade Is Crucial, U.N. Panel Says.

Working out an idea for a future work.

1.5 - sketch for TOAST

Myy work is about the ecological solutions in urban landscapes. What solutions can I unearth in food, toast, char? - time to ponder and ruminate. Stay tuned.


I am committed to walking 10,00-15,000 steps every day. During my walks, I listen to audiobooks or podcasts on subjects that interest me. A lot of them have to do with regenerative agriculture, the history of soil, native bees, and various Environmental issues. Often I switch it up and learn about something completely new to me. The information or music I absorb during my walks is a big influence on my work.

Below is a quicky Ted Talk that I was very excited to hear today. It supports my belief that environmental change has got to come from our people in our cities.

I sent the link to city councilwoman Sally Alcorn and her assistant Hannah. Who knows. Like the piet said- make sure your reach Exceeds your grasp.

I took a screenshot of the description. It feels good to hear other people who believe what I believe.

I took a screenshot of the description. It feels good to hear other people who believe what I believe.