January 19, 2020
We are on the road to Roam, and I am feeling a little concerned. I believe that we as a society are not connected to the raising/producing, culling, and processing of our food. With this disconnect, what is essential has been lost. This not only impacts our health but also our environment (including the bees) that we are borrowing from future generations. It is easy to be judgmental and to point fingers. If I am going to judge our current food production system, I need to experience the process that I believe is a healthy and responsible alternative. I need to be willing not only to talk the talk but walk the walk. Thursday, Curtis, and worked Roam’s Bison Roundup. We were nicknamed the gatekeepers. One female, after careful and thoughtful analysis, was selected to be culled today. This is not going to be easy, but I will be a better human from the experience......... on the road to Roam.
Opening the car door the last thing I hear on the radio is, ”everything is dust in the wind, ” for one second I find comfort in these words.
The ranch Anatolian livestock guard dogs greet us at the ranch entrance.
The herd including the cow to be culled having a relaxing morning grazing on Texas prairie grasses. The cow in question will not be separated from the herd, she will not be stressed and will not feel any pain. This is how you humanely harvest an animal. This is not how industrial Agriculture harvests meat.