Starting back legs
Either the body is too long or too short.
Still working.
So much to fix.
I was wanting her to be stretching both forward and backward - but it just looks like the body is too long.
Front angle
Placed with I and II
Still working
I love the tail.
Stagnated- I am dreading shortening long the body.
Monday the 26th
It turns out I have the length of his body right, and the leg length is right. The thickness of his abdomen is wrong.
I have cut the wire in the middle of his back off and will add height in his hips and shoulder blades.
I have already worked on the shoulders.
Coming a long. I used his tail to. Yield up the hips.
Now under the neck looks weird.
Stopping for the day. I am dipping some pieces at TxRx
"Shake shake shake III", "that stick is not gonna throw itself", and "sit"
Tuesday the 27th
View from the back through the piece to the front.
Left backside through to the front.
Left side
Front / leftside
This view needs some work.
Front right
Right side
Looking through his abdomen towards his face.