I was working my "Gust" series this week. And I just l o v e it when pieces name themselves.
I started this piece in the fall but was not able to pour it until this spring.
Sprued up and ready to dip.
In the slurry room fall 2015. It was poured spring 2016.
Sprues and cup are cut off.
Two weird shapes did not pour.
Sprues are completely removed and now it is ready for repairing the texture. This step is called chasing.
I have decided to make this look like a tear. I cut a piece off another hat and will grind it and weld it to look like it is almost completely torn off.
Working on texture and the tear.
I am liking it but - will let it simmer for a few days.
It might need a crease where it would fold over as it tumbled.