This Saturday afternoon I had one last errand to run and was running late. I dashed into the interspace exhibit area at MFAH Glassell studio school and ........
“Victoria Aside”
Bronze and gold leaf sculpture
30" W x 20" D x 10" T
seeartist statement below.
.......there it was - my sculpture "Victoria Aside" on exhibit. I knew it was accepted in the SAO exhibit but I was not expecting it to be installed yet. I was taken by surprise - I just stopped in my tracks - and absorbed the moment. I can't describe the feeling. Later in the day while sitting in traffic I kept thinking about that feeling. It was not your everyday emotion or sensation. The only thing that came to mind that describes how I felt - is the surprise of "a first kiss".
"Victoria Aside"
Artist statement
This is one of my favorite pieces from my 2014 work. It first resonated with me purely from an aesthetic point of view, as I knew the aged leather would reproduce beautifully in bronze. What I did not realize, however, was that this sculpture would represent more than a stereotypical Texas western symbol.
With the woman controlling the horse by only the reins and one foot in the stirrup, riding sidesaddle for hunting, jumping or herding cattle on the plains of Texas required a tremendous core strength and athletic ability. This strength in a generation of women primarily known for their refined sensibilities and social values is inspiring.
The extremely weathered Victorian leather rendered in bronze reveals a rich Texas history in fragile relief. The white patina reflects the emphasis on chastity and the gold leaf detail was inspired by the rich ornamentation of the Victorian period.
I hope my artistic interpretation of this Texas western Victorian sidesaddle will have meaning and be inspirational for all who view it.