ΟΧΙ ΚΑΡΤΕΣ - post #5 retitled Broken when completed
Covering the back of the figure in concrete.
First I am stuffing the cavity of his body with paper to create a surface to stop the concrete from going completely through the mesh.
the cavity to be filled with paper.
stuffing the crevices.
filled with paper.
view from the back - you can see the newspaper stuffed in the cavity through the lath.
I am now ready to add the concrete to the back.
When working in concrete you start from the top down. In this piece I started with the owl. Concrete is constantly falling and you don't want to have any fall on a surface you have finished. On each section I work from the bottom up, placing the first handfuls on the lath where it meets a surface that can support the weight of the concrete. In the below case I started on the hips and built the concrete up his back to the shoulders.
30 lbs- covered his back.
now it hydrates for 5days.